Nigeria is a country with population of approximately 206,000,000 people and 520 indigenous known languages. Due to the introduction of English language as a general language, most indigenous languages are going extinct.
English language was chosen to be a general acceptable language in Nigeria due to the language diversity of the country. It was a language spoken by the colonial masters before they gained independence.
Making the language a national language at first was a great news because it'll break the country's language barrier.
But nowadays, English language is causing more harm than good in the nation. Most people no longer appreciate speaking their language in public even with a fellow clansman, they feel ashamed of their language because they've tagged it local. Such people can neither speak nor write their language.
With number of such people daily increasing, most languages have be recorded to have gone extinct while others are endangered.
Does it mean that English language is causing more harm than good? No, English language isn't the one doing the harm, we're the one harming ourselves because we've abandoned our own. Most educational centres nationwide has banned the speaking of indigenous languages among students.
Most parents find it difficult to communicate with their children using their indigenous languages, others even scold their children for speaking their native languages.
In no distance time, if nothing is done, more indigenous languages will go extinct, it won't be a good one at all.
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